
OkapiLib makes it easy to use any one of a number of various types of filters on sensors and controllers. The specifics of how each filter works and should be initialized will be left to its API reference, but this guide will help provide the general knowledge necessary to make the most out of OkapiLib's filtering functionality.

Filtering Generic Sensor Input

It's possible with OkapiLib to filter any value that you want, which makes it easy to filter sensors. The example below gives an example of filtering a sensor value.

const int NUM_AVE_POINTS = 5;

Potentiometer exampleSensor(POTENTIOMETER_PORT);
AverageFilter<NUM_AVE_POINTS> exampleFilter;

void opcontrol() {
  while (true) {
    std::cout << "Current Sensor Reading: " << exampleFilter.filter(exampleSensor.get());

The above example will print out the average of the last five readings of the potentiometer.

Adding a Filter to a Controller

Velocity PID Controllers often benefit from filtering the velocity reading. As a result, it is possible to pass in a filter as an argument to the constructor for a Velocity PID Controller. Note -- filtering will not have a positive impact on position PID movements, and is not supported as a result.

Using a filter with a velocity PID Controller can be done in the following manner:

const double kP = 0.001;
const double kD = 0.0001;
const double kF = 0.0;
const double kSF = 0.0;
const int NUM_AVE_POINTS = 5;

auto exampleController = IterativeControllerFactory::velPID(
                           kP, kD, kF, kSF,

void opcontrol() {

This will create a velocity PID controller which uses an AverageFilter.