namespace okapi
- namespace literals
- class AbstractButton
class AbstractMotor
- struct GearsetRatioPair A simple structure representing the full ratio between motor and wheel.
- class AbstractRate
- class AbstractTimer
- class ADIButton
- class ADIEncoder
- class ADIGyro
- class ADIMotor
- class ADIUltrasonic
- class AsyncController Closed-loop controller that steps on its own in another thread and automatically writes to the output.
- class AsyncLinearMotionProfileController
- class AsyncMotionProfileController
- class AsyncMotionProfileControllerBuilder
- class AsyncPosControllerBuilder
- class AsyncPosIntegratedController Closed-loop controller that uses the V5 motor's onboard control to move.
- class AsyncPositionController
- class AsyncPosPIDController
- class AsyncVelControllerBuilder
- class AsyncVelIntegratedController Closed-loop controller that uses the V5 motor's onboard control to move.
- class AsyncVelocityController
- class AsyncVelPIDController
- class AsyncWrapper
- class AverageFilter A filter which returns the average of a list of values.
- class ButtonBase
- class ChassisController
class ChassisControllerBuilder
- struct HDriveMotors
- struct SkidSteerMotors
- struct XDriveMotors
- class ChassisControllerIntegrated
- class ChassisControllerPID
- class ChassisModel A version of the ReadOnlyChassisModel that also supports write methods, such as setting motor speed.
- class ChassisScales
- class ClosedLoopController An abstract closed-loop controller.
- class ComposableFilter
- class ConfigurableTimeUtilFactory A TimeUtilFactory that supplies the SettledUtil parameters passed in the constructor to every new TimeUtil instance.
- class ContinuousRotarySensor
- class Controller
- class ControllerButton
- class ControllerInput
- class ControllerOutput
- class ControllerRunner
- class ControllerRunnerFactory
- class ControllerUtil
- struct DefaultLoggerInitializer
- class DefaultOdomChassisController
- class DemaFilter
- class DistanceSensor
- class EKFFilter
- class EmaFilter
- class Filter
- class FilteredControllerInput A ControllerInput with a filter built in.
- class FlywheelSimulator
- class HDriveModel
- class IMU
- class IntegratedEncoder
- class IterativeController Closed-loop controller that steps iteratively using the step method below.
- class IterativeControllerFactory
- class IterativeMotorVelocityController
- class IterativePositionController
class IterativePosPIDController
- struct Gains
- class IterativeVelocityController
class IterativeVelPIDController
- struct Gains
- class Logger
- class MedianFilter A filter which returns the median value of list of values.
- class Motor
- class MotorGroup
- class OdomChassisController
- class Odometry
- class OdomMath
- struct OdomState
- class OffsetableControllerInput
- class OpticalSensor
- class PassthroughFilter
- struct PathfinderLimits
- struct PathfinderPoint
class PIDTuner
- struct Output
- struct Particle
- struct ParticleSet
- class PIDTunerFactory
- struct Point
- class Potentiometer
- class Rate
- class ReadOnlyChassisModel A version of the ChassisModel that only supports read methods, such as querying sensor values.
- class RotarySensor
- class RotationSensor
- class RQuantity
- class SettledUtil
- class SkidSteerModel
- class Supplier A supplier of instances of T.
- class ThreeEncoderOdometry
- class ThreeEncoderSkidSteerModel
- class ThreeEncoderXDriveModel
- class Timer
- class TimeUtil Utility class for holding an AbstractTimer, AbstractRate, and SettledUtil together in one class since they are commonly used together.
- class TimeUtilFactory
- class TwoEncoderOdometry
- class VelMath
- class VelMathFactory
- class XDriveModel
- class CrossplatformMutex
- class CrossplatformThread
- namespace literals
- class AbstractButton
class AbstractMotor
- struct GearsetRatioPair A simple structure representing the full ratio between motor and wheel.
- class AbstractRate
- class AbstractTimer
- class ADIButton
- class ADIEncoder
- class ADIGyro
- class ADIMotor
- class ADIUltrasonic
- class AsyncController Closed-loop controller that steps on its own in another thread and automatically writes to the output.
- class AsyncLinearMotionProfileController
- class AsyncMotionProfileController
- class AsyncMotionProfileControllerBuilder
- class AsyncPosControllerBuilder
- class AsyncPosIntegratedController Closed-loop controller that uses the V5 motor's onboard control to move.
- class AsyncPositionController
- class AsyncPosPIDController
- class AsyncVelControllerBuilder
- class AsyncVelIntegratedController Closed-loop controller that uses the V5 motor's onboard control to move.
- class AsyncVelocityController
- class AsyncVelPIDController
- class AsyncWrapper
- class AverageFilter A filter which returns the average of a list of values.
- class ButtonBase
- class ChassisController
class ChassisControllerBuilder
- struct HDriveMotors
- struct SkidSteerMotors
- struct XDriveMotors
- class ChassisControllerIntegrated
- class ChassisControllerPID
- class ChassisModel A version of the ReadOnlyChassisModel that also supports write methods, such as setting motor speed.
- class ChassisScales
- class ClosedLoopController An abstract closed-loop controller.
- class ComposableFilter
- class ConfigurableTimeUtilFactory A TimeUtilFactory that supplies the SettledUtil parameters passed in the constructor to every new TimeUtil instance.
- class ContinuousRotarySensor
- class Controller
- class ControllerButton
- class ControllerInput
- class ControllerOutput
- class ControllerRunner
- class ControllerRunnerFactory
- class ControllerUtil
- struct DefaultLoggerInitializer
- class DefaultOdomChassisController
- class DemaFilter
- class DistanceSensor
- class EKFFilter
- class EmaFilter
- class Filter
- class FilteredControllerInput A ControllerInput with a filter built in.
- class FlywheelSimulator
- class HDriveModel
- class IMU
- class IntegratedEncoder
- class IterativeController Closed-loop controller that steps iteratively using the step method below.
- class IterativeControllerFactory
- class IterativeMotorVelocityController
- class IterativePositionController
class IterativePosPIDController
- struct Gains
- class IterativeVelocityController
class IterativeVelPIDController
- struct Gains
- class Logger
- class MedianFilter A filter which returns the median value of list of values.
- class Motor
- class MotorGroup
- class OdomChassisController
- class Odometry
- class OdomMath
- struct OdomState
- class OffsetableControllerInput
- class OpticalSensor
- class PassthroughFilter
- struct PathfinderLimits
- struct PathfinderPoint
class PIDTuner
- struct Output
- struct Particle
- struct ParticleSet
- class PIDTunerFactory
- struct Point
- class Potentiometer
- class Rate
- class ReadOnlyChassisModel A version of the ChassisModel that only supports read methods, such as querying sensor values.
- class RotarySensor
- class RotationSensor
- class RQuantity
- class SettledUtil
- class SkidSteerModel
- class Supplier A supplier of instances of T.
- class ThreeEncoderOdometry
- class ThreeEncoderSkidSteerModel
- class ThreeEncoderXDriveModel
- class Timer
- class TimeUtil Utility class for holding an AbstractTimer, AbstractRate, and SettledUtil together in one class since they are commonly used together.
- class TimeUtilFactory
- class TwoEncoderOdometry
- class VelMath
- class VelMathFactory
- class XDriveModel