okapi::ChassisScales class

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

ChassisScales(const std::initializer_list<QLength>& idimensions, double itpr, const std::shared_ptr<Logger>& ilogger = Logger::getDefaultLogger())
The scales a ChassisController needs to do all of its closed-loop control.
ChassisScales(const std::initializer_list<double>& iscales, double itpr, const std::shared_ptr<Logger>& ilogger = Logger::getDefaultLogger())
The scales a ChassisController needs to do all of its closed-loop control.

Public variables

QLength wheelDiameter
QLength wheelTrack
QLength middleWheelDistance
QLength middleWheelDiameter
double straight
double turn
double middle
double tpr

Protected static functions

static void validateInputSize(std::size_t inputSize, const std::shared_ptr<Logger>& logger)

Function documentation

okapi::ChassisScales::ChassisScales(const std::initializer_list<QLength>& idimensions, double itpr, const std::shared_ptr<Logger>& ilogger = Logger::getDefaultLogger())

The scales a ChassisController needs to do all of its closed-loop control.

idimensions {wheel diameter, wheel track} or {wheel diameter, wheel track, length to middle wheel, middle wheel diameter}.
itpr The ticks per revolution of the encoders.
ilogger The logger this instance will log to.

The first element is the wheel diameter, the second element is the wheel track. For three-encoder configurations, the length from the center of rotation to the middle wheel and the middle wheel diameter are passed as the third and fourth elements.

The wheel track is the center-to-center distance between the wheels (center-to-center meaning the width between the centers of both wheels). For example, if you are using four inch omni wheels and there are 11.5 inches between the centers of each wheel, you would call the constructor like so: ChassisScales scales({4_in, 11.5_in}, imev5GreenTPR); // imev5GreenTPR for a green gearset

                      Wheel diameter

                       +-+      Center of rotation
                       | |      |
                       v v      +----------+ Length to middle wheel
                                |          | from center of rotation
              +--->    ===      |      === |
              |         +       v       +  |
              |        ++---------------++ |
              |        |                 | v
Wheel track   |        |                 |
              |        |        x        |+|  <-- Middle wheel
              |        |                 |
              |        |                 |
              |        ++---------------++
              |         +               +
              +--->    ===             ===

okapi::ChassisScales::ChassisScales(const std::initializer_list<double>& iscales, double itpr, const std::shared_ptr<Logger>& ilogger = Logger::getDefaultLogger())

The scales a ChassisController needs to do all of its closed-loop control.

iscales {straight scale, turn scale} or {straight scale, turn scale, length to middle wheel in meters, middle scale}.
itpr The ticks per revolution of the encoders.
ilogger The logger this instance will log to.

The first element is the straight scale, the second element is the turn scale. Optionally, the length from the center of rotation to the middle wheel and the middle scale can be passed as the third and fourth elements. The straight scale converts motor degrees to meters, the turn scale converts motor degrees to robot turn degrees, and the middle scale converts middle wheel degrees to meters.