okapi namespace
- Reference
- namespace literals
- class AbstractButton
- class AbstractMotor
- class AbstractRate
- class AbstractTimer
- class ADIButton
- class ADIEncoder
- class ADIGyro
- class ADIMotor
- class ADIUltrasonic
template<typename Input, typename Output>class AsyncController
- Closed-loop controller that steps on its own in another thread and automatically writes to the output.
- class AsyncLinearMotionProfileController
- class AsyncMotionProfileController
- class AsyncMotionProfileControllerBuilder
- class AsyncPosControllerBuilder
- class AsyncPosIntegratedController
- Closed-loop controller that uses the V5 motor's onboard control to move.
template<typename Input, typename Output>class AsyncPositionController
- class AsyncPosPIDController
- class AsyncVelControllerBuilder
- class AsyncVelIntegratedController
- Closed-loop controller that uses the V5 motor's onboard control to move.
template<typename Input, typename Output>class AsyncVelocityController
- class AsyncVelPIDController
template<typename Input, typename Output>class AsyncWrapper
template<std::size_t n>class AverageFilter
- A filter which returns the average of a list of values.
- class ButtonBase
- class ChassisController
- class ChassisControllerBuilder
- class ChassisControllerIntegrated
- class ChassisControllerPID
- class ChassisModel
- A version of the ReadOnlyChassisModel that also supports write methods, such as setting motor speed.
- class ChassisScales
template<typename Input, typename Output>class ClosedLoopController
- An abstract closed-loop controller.
- class ComposableFilter
- class ConfigurableTimeUtilFactory
- A TimeUtilFactory that supplies the SettledUtil parameters passed in the constructor to every new TimeUtil instance.
- class ContinuousRotarySensor
- class Controller
- class ControllerButton
template<typename T>class ControllerInput
template<typename T>class ControllerOutput
template<typename Input, typename Output>class ControllerRunner
template<typename Input, typename Output>class ControllerRunnerFactory
- class ControllerUtil
- struct DefaultLoggerInitializer
- class DefaultOdomChassisController
- class DemaFilter
- class DistanceSensor
- class EKFFilter
- class EmaFilter
- class Filter
template<typename InputType, typename FilterType>class FilteredControllerInput
- A ControllerInput with a filter built in.
- class FlywheelSimulator
- class HDriveModel
- class IMU
- class IntegratedEncoder
template<typename Input, typename Output>class IterativeController
- Closed-loop controller that steps iteratively using the step method below.
- class IterativeControllerFactory
- class IterativeMotorVelocityController
template<typename Input, typename Output>class IterativePositionController
- class IterativePosPIDController
template<typename Input, typename Output>class IterativeVelocityController
- class IterativeVelPIDController
- class Logger
template<std::size_t n>class MedianFilter
- A filter which returns the median value of list of values.
- class Motor
- class MotorGroup
- class OdomChassisController
- class Odometry
- class OdomMath
- struct OdomState
- class OffsetableControllerInput
- class OpticalSensor
- class PassthroughFilter
- struct PathfinderLimits
- struct PathfinderPoint
- class PIDTuner
- class PIDTunerFactory
- struct Point
- class Potentiometer
- class Rate
- class ReadOnlyChassisModel
- A version of the ChassisModel that only supports read methods, such as querying sensor values.
- class RotarySensor
- class RotationSensor
template<typename MassDim, typename LengthDim, typename TimeDim, typename AngleDim>class RQuantity
- class SettledUtil
- class SkidSteerModel
template<typename T>class Supplier
- A supplier of instances of T.
- class ThreeEncoderOdometry
- class ThreeEncoderSkidSteerModel
- class ThreeEncoderXDriveModel
- class Timer
- class TimeUtil
- Utility class for holding an AbstractTimer, AbstractRate, and SettledUtil together in one class since they are commonly used together.
- class TimeUtilFactory
- class TwoEncoderOdometry
- class VelMath
- class VelMathFactory
- class XDriveModel
- The mode for the OdomState calculated by Odometry.
- enum ControllerId { master = 0, partner = 1 }
- Which controller role this has.
- enum ControllerAnalog { leftX = 0, leftY = 1, rightX = 2, rightY = 3 }
- The analog sticks.
- enum ControllerDigital { L1 = 6, L2 = 7, R1 = 8, R2 = 9, up = 10, down = 11, left = 12, right = 13, X = 14, B = 15, Y = 16, A = 17 }
- Various buttons.
- enum OpticalSensorOutput { hue, saturation, brightness }
- enum IMUAxes { z, y, x }
auto operator*(AbstractMotor::
gearset gearset, double ratio) -> AbstractMotor:: GearsetRatioPair - auto radian(1. 0) -> QAngle constexpr
- static auto convertHertzToRadPerSec(QFrequency in) -> QAngularSpeed
- auto Hz(1. 0) -> QFrequency constexpr
- auto meter(1. 0) -> QLength constexpr
- auto kg(1. 0) -> QMass constexpr
- auto pascal(1. 0) -> QPressure constexpr
- auto second(1. 0) -> QTime constexpr
- auto number(1. 0) -> Number constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto operator+(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs, const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> RQuantity<M, L, T, A> constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto operator-(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs, const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> RQuantity<M, L, T, A> constexpr
template<typename M1, typename L1, typename T1, typename A1, typename M2, typename L2, typename T2, typename A2>auto operator*(const RQuantity<M1, L1, T1, A1>& lhs, const RQuantity<M2, L2, T2, A2>& rhs) -> RQuantity<std::ratio_add<M1, M2>, std::ratio_add<L1, L2>, std::ratio_add<T1, T2>, std::ratio_add<A1, A2>> constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto operator*(const double& lhs, const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> RQuantity<M, L, T, A> constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto operator*(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs, const double& rhs) -> RQuantity<M, L, T, A> constexpr
template<typename M1, typename L1, typename T1, typename A1, typename M2, typename L2, typename T2, typename A2>auto operator/(const RQuantity<M1, L1, T1, A1>& lhs, const RQuantity<M2, L2, T2, A2>& rhs) -> RQuantity<std::ratio_subtract<M1, M2>, std::ratio_subtract<L1, L2>, std::ratio_subtract<T1, T2>, std::ratio_subtract<A1, A2>> constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto operator/(const double& x, const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> RQuantity<std::ratio_subtract<std::ratio<0>, M>, std::ratio_subtract<std::ratio<0>, L>, std::ratio_subtract<std::ratio<0>, T>, std::ratio_subtract<std::ratio<0>, A>> constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto operator/(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs, const double& x) -> RQuantity<M, L, T, A> constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto operator==(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs, const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> bool constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto operator!=(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs, const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> bool constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto operator<=(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs, const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> bool constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto operator>=(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs, const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> bool constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto operator<(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs, const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> bool constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto operator>(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs, const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> bool constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto abs(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> RQuantity<M, L, T, A> constexpr
template<typename R, typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto pow(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs) -> RQuantity<std::ratio_multiply<M, R>, std::ratio_multiply<L, R>, std::ratio_multiply<T, R>, std::ratio_multiply<A, R>> constexpr
template<int R, typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto pow(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs) -> RQuantity<std::ratio_multiply<M, std::ratio<R>>, std::ratio_multiply<L, std::ratio<R>>, std::ratio_multiply<T, std::ratio<R>>, std::ratio_multiply<A, std::ratio<R>>> constexpr
template<int R, typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto root(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs) -> RQuantity<std::ratio_divide<M, std::ratio<R>>, std::ratio_divide<L, std::ratio<R>>, std::ratio_divide<T, std::ratio<R>>, std::ratio_divide<A, std::ratio<R>>> constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto sqrt(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> RQuantity<std::ratio_divide<M, std::ratio<2>>, std::ratio_divide<L, std::ratio<2>>, std::ratio_divide<T, std::ratio<2>>, std::ratio_divide<A, std::ratio<2>>> constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto cbrt(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> RQuantity<std::ratio_divide<M, std::ratio<3>>, std::ratio_divide<L, std::ratio<3>>, std::ratio_divide<T, std::ratio<3>>, std::ratio_divide<A, std::ratio<3>>> constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto square(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> RQuantity<std::ratio_multiply<M, std::ratio<2>>, std::ratio_multiply<L, std::ratio<2>>, std::ratio_multiply<T, std::ratio<2>>, std::ratio_multiply<A, std::ratio<2>>> constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto cube(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> RQuantity<std::ratio_multiply<M, std::ratio<3>>, std::ratio_multiply<L, std::ratio<3>>, std::ratio_multiply<T, std::ratio<3>>, std::ratio_multiply<A, std::ratio<3>>> constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto hypot(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs, const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> RQuantity<M, L, T, A> constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto mod(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs, const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> RQuantity<M, L, T, A> constexpr
template<typename M1, typename L1, typename T1, typename A1, typename M2, typename L2, typename T2, typename A2>auto copysign(const RQuantity<M1, L1, T1, A1>& lhs, const RQuantity<M2, L2, T2, A2>& rhs) -> RQuantity<M1, L1, T1, A1> constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto ceil(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs, const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> RQuantity<M, L, T, A> constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto floor(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs, const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> RQuantity<M, L, T, A> constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto trunc(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs, const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> RQuantity<M, L, T, A> constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto round(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs, const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> RQuantity<M, L, T, A> constexpr
- auto sin(const RQuantity<std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<1>>& rhs) -> Number constexpr
- auto cos(const RQuantity<std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<1>>& rhs) -> Number constexpr
- auto tan(const RQuantity<std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<1>>& rhs) -> Number constexpr
- auto asin(const Number& rhs) -> RQuantity<std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<1>> constexpr
- auto acos(const Number& rhs) -> RQuantity<std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<1>> constexpr
- auto atan(const Number& rhs) -> RQuantity<std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<1>> constexpr
- auto sinh(const RQuantity<std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<1>>& rhs) -> Number constexpr
- auto cosh(const RQuantity<std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<1>>& rhs) -> Number constexpr
- auto tanh(const RQuantity<std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<1>>& rhs) -> Number constexpr
- auto asinh(const Number& rhs) -> RQuantity<std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<1>> constexpr
- auto acosh(const Number& rhs) -> RQuantity<std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<1>> constexpr
- auto atanh(const Number& rhs) -> RQuantity<std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<1>> constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>auto atan2(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs, const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) -> RQuantity<std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<1>> constexpr
template<class QType>auto getShortUnitName(QType q) -> std::string
- Returns a short name for a unit.
- auto ipow(const double base, const int expo) -> double constexpr
- Integer power function.
- auto cutRange(const double value, const double min, const double max) -> double constexpr
- Cuts out a range from the number.
- auto deadband(const double value, const double min, const double max) -> double constexpr
- Deadbands a range of the number.
- auto remapRange(const double value, const double oldMin, const double oldMax, const double newMin, const double newMax) -> double constexpr
- Remap a value in the range
[oldMin, oldMax]
to the range[newMin, newMax]
. -
template<typename E>auto toUnderlyingType(const E e) -> auto constexpr noexcept
- Converts an enum to its value type.
- auto boolToSign(const bool b) -> auto constexpr noexcept
- Converts a bool to a sign.
- auto modulus(const long lhs, const long rhs) -> long constexpr noexcept
- Computes
lhs mod rhs
using Euclidean division. -
auto gearsetToTPR(const AbstractMotor::
gearset igearset) -> std::int32_t constexpr noexcept - Converts a gearset to its TPR.
- auto transformADIPort(const std::int8_t port) -> std::int8_t constexpr
- QAcceleration mps2 constexpr
- QAcceleration G constexpr
- QAngle degree constexpr
- QAngularSpeed radps constexpr
- QAngularSpeed rpm constexpr
- QAngularSpeed cps constexpr
- QArea kilometer2 constexpr
- QArea meter2 constexpr
- QArea decimeter2 constexpr
- QArea centimeter2 constexpr
- QArea millimeter2 constexpr
- QArea inch2 constexpr
- QArea foot2 constexpr
- QArea mile2 constexpr
- QForce newton constexpr
- QForce poundforce constexpr
- QForce kilopond constexpr
- QLength decimeter constexpr
- QLength centimeter constexpr
- QLength millimeter constexpr
- QLength kilometer constexpr
- QLength inch constexpr
- QLength foot constexpr
- QLength yard constexpr
- QLength mile constexpr
- QLength tile constexpr
- QMass gramme constexpr
- QMass tonne constexpr
- QMass ounce constexpr
- QMass pound constexpr
- QMass stone constexpr
- QPressure bar constexpr
- QPressure psi constexpr
- QSpeed mps constexpr
- QSpeed miph constexpr
- QSpeed kmph constexpr
- QTime millisecond constexpr
- QTime minute constexpr
- QTime hour constexpr
- QTime day constexpr
- QTorque newtonMeter constexpr
- QTorque footPound constexpr
- QTorque inchPound constexpr
- QVolume kilometer3 constexpr
- QVolume meter3 constexpr
- QVolume decimeter3 constexpr
- QVolume centimeter3 constexpr
- QVolume millimeter3 constexpr
- QVolume inch3 constexpr
- QVolume foot3 constexpr
- QVolume mile3 constexpr
- QVolume litre constexpr
- std::shared_ptr<Logger> defaultLogger
- static DefaultLoggerInitializer defaultLoggerInitializer
- static double inchToMM constexpr
- Converts inches to millimeters.
- static double mmToInch constexpr
- Converts millimeters to inches.
- static double degreeToRadian constexpr
- Converts degrees to radians.
- static double radianToDegree constexpr
- Converts radians to degrees.
- static double imeTorqueTPR constexpr
- The ticks per rotation of the 393 IME with torque gearing.
- static std::int32_t imeSpeedTPR constexpr
- The ticks per rotation of the 393 IME with speed gearing.
- static double imeTurboTPR constexpr
- The ticks per rotation of the 393 IME with turbo gearing.
- static double ime269TPR constexpr
- The ticks per rotation of the 269 IME.
- static std::int32_t imev5RedTPR constexpr
- The ticks per rotation of the V5 motor with a red gearset.
- static std::int32_t imev5GreenTPR constexpr
- The ticks per rotation of the V5 motor with a green gearset.
- static std::int32_t imev5BlueTPR constexpr
- The ticks per rotation of the V5 motor with a blue gearset.
- static std::int32_t quadEncoderTPR constexpr
- The ticks per rotation of the red quadrature encoders.
- static double pi constexpr
- The value of pi.
- static double pi2 constexpr
- The value of pi divided by 2.
- static double gravity constexpr
- The conventional value of gravity of Earth.
- static auto OKAPI_PROS_ERR constexpr
- Same as PROS_ERR.
- static auto OKAPI_PROS_ERR_F constexpr
- Same as PROS_ERR_F.
- static double v5MotorMaxVoltage constexpr
- The maximum voltage that can be sent to V5 motors.
- static std::int8_t motorUpdateRate constexpr
- The polling frequency of V5 motors in milliseconds.
- static std::int8_t adiUpdateRate constexpr
- The polling frequency of the ADI ports in milliseconds.
Enum documentation
enum okapi:: StateMode
The mode for the OdomState calculated by Odometry.
Enumerators | |
+x is forward, +y is right, 0 degrees is along +x |
+x is right, +y is forward, 0 degrees is along +y |
enum okapi:: ControllerAnalog
The analog sticks.
Enumerators | |
leftX |
leftX |
leftY |
leftY |
rightX |
rightX |
rightY |
rightY |
enum okapi:: OpticalSensorOutput
Enumerators | |
hue |
The color. |
saturation |
The color's intensity relative to its brightness. |
brightness |
The amount of light. |
Function documentation
AbstractMotor:: GearsetRatioPair okapi:: operator*(AbstractMotor:: gearset gearset,
double ratio)
QAngle okapi:: radian(1. 0) constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QAngle.hpp>
static QAngularSpeed okapi:: convertHertzToRadPerSec(QFrequency in)
QFrequency okapi:: Hz(1. 0) constexpr
QLength okapi:: meter(1. 0) constexpr
QMass okapi:: kg(1. 0) constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QMass.hpp>
QPressure okapi:: pascal(1. 0) constexpr
QTime okapi:: second(1. 0) constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QTime.hpp>
Number okapi:: number(1. 0) constexpr
template<typename M1, typename L1, typename T1, typename A1, typename M2, typename L2, typename T2, typename A2>
RQuantity<std::ratio_add<M1, M2>, std::ratio_add<L1, L2>, std::ratio_add<T1, T2>, std::ratio_add<A1, A2>> okapi:: operator*(const RQuantity<M1, L1, T1, A1>& lhs,
const RQuantity<M2, L2, T2, A2>& rhs) constexpr
template<typename M1, typename L1, typename T1, typename A1, typename M2, typename L2, typename T2, typename A2>
RQuantity<std::ratio_subtract<M1, M2>, std::ratio_subtract<L1, L2>, std::ratio_subtract<T1, T2>, std::ratio_subtract<A1, A2>> okapi:: operator/(const RQuantity<M1, L1, T1, A1>& lhs,
const RQuantity<M2, L2, T2, A2>& rhs) constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>
RQuantity<std::ratio_subtract<std::ratio<0>, M>, std::ratio_subtract<std::ratio<0>, L>, std::ratio_subtract<std::ratio<0>, T>, std::ratio_subtract<std::ratio<0>, A>> okapi:: operator/(const double& x,
const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>
bool okapi:: operator==(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs,
const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>
bool okapi:: operator!=(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs,
const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>
bool okapi:: operator<=(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs,
const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) constexpr
template<typename M, typename L, typename T, typename A>
bool okapi:: operator>=(const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& lhs,
const RQuantity<M, L, T, A>& rhs) constexpr
template<class QType>
std::string okapi:: getShortUnitName(QType q)
Returns a short name for a unit.
Parameters | |
q | Your unit. Currently only QLength and QAngle are supported. |
Returns | The short string suffix for that unit. |
For example: str(1_ft)
will return "ft", so will 1 * foot
or 0.3048_m
. Throws std::domain_error when q
is a unit not defined in this function.
double okapi:: ipow(const double base,
const int expo) constexpr
Integer power function.
Parameters | |
base | The base. |
expo | The exponent. |
Returns | base^expo . |
Computes base^expo
double okapi:: cutRange(const double value,
const double min,
const double max) constexpr
Cuts out a range from the number.
Parameters | |
value | The number to bound. |
min | The lower bound of range. |
max | The upper bound of range. |
Returns | The remapped value. |
The new range of the input number will be (-inf, min]U[max, +inf)
. If value sits equally between min
and max
, max
will be returned.
double okapi:: deadband(const double value,
const double min,
const double max) constexpr
Deadbands a range of the number.
Parameters | |
value | The number to deadband. |
min | The lower bound of deadband. |
max | The upper bound of deadband. |
Returns | The input value or 0 if it is in the range [min, max] . |
Returns the input value, or 0
if it is in the range [min, max]
double okapi:: remapRange(const double value,
const double oldMin,
const double oldMax,
const double newMin,
const double newMax) constexpr
Remap a value in the range [oldMin, oldMax]
to the range [newMin, newMax]
Parameters | |
value | The value in the old range. |
oldMin | The old range lower bound. |
oldMax | The old range upper bound. |
newMin | The new range lower bound. |
newMax | The new range upper bound. |
Returns | The input value in the new range [newMin, newMax] . |
template<typename E>
auto okapi:: toUnderlyingType(const E e) constexpr noexcept
Converts an enum to its value type.
Parameters | |
e | The enum value. |
Returns | The corresponding value. |
auto okapi:: boolToSign(const bool b) constexpr noexcept
Converts a bool to a sign.
Parameters | |
b | The bool. |
Returns | True corresponds to 1 and false corresponds to -1 . |
long okapi:: modulus(const long lhs,
const long rhs) constexpr noexcept
Computes lhs mod rhs
using Euclidean division.
Parameters | |
lhs | The left-hand side. |
rhs | The right-hand side. |
Returns | lhs mod rhs . |
C's %
symbol computes the remainder, not modulus.
std::int32_t okapi:: gearsetToTPR(const AbstractMotor:: gearset igearset) constexpr noexcept
Converts a gearset to its TPR.
Parameters | |
igearset | The gearset. |
Returns | The corresponding TPR. |
std::int8_t okapi:: transformADIPort(const std::int8_t port) constexpr
Parameters | |
port | The ADI port number or char. |
Returns | An equivalent ADI port number. |
Variable documentation
QAcceleration okapi:: mps2 constexpr
QAcceleration okapi:: G constexpr
QAngle okapi:: degree constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QAngle.hpp>
QAngularSpeed okapi:: radps constexpr
QAngularSpeed okapi:: rpm constexpr
QAngularSpeed okapi:: cps constexpr
QArea okapi:: kilometer2 constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QArea.hpp>
QArea okapi:: meter2 constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QArea.hpp>
QArea okapi:: decimeter2 constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QArea.hpp>
QArea okapi:: centimeter2 constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QArea.hpp>
QArea okapi:: millimeter2 constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QArea.hpp>
QArea okapi:: inch2 constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QArea.hpp>
QArea okapi:: foot2 constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QArea.hpp>
QArea okapi:: mile2 constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QArea.hpp>
QForce okapi:: newton constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QForce.hpp>
QForce okapi:: poundforce constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QForce.hpp>
QForce okapi:: kilopond constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QForce.hpp>
QLength okapi:: decimeter constexpr
QLength okapi:: centimeter constexpr
QLength okapi:: millimeter constexpr
QLength okapi:: kilometer constexpr
QLength okapi:: inch constexpr
QLength okapi:: foot constexpr
QLength okapi:: yard constexpr
QLength okapi:: mile constexpr
QLength okapi:: tile constexpr
QMass okapi:: gramme constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QMass.hpp>
QMass okapi:: tonne constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QMass.hpp>
QMass okapi:: ounce constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QMass.hpp>
QMass okapi:: pound constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QMass.hpp>
QMass okapi:: stone constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QMass.hpp>
QPressure okapi:: bar constexpr
QPressure okapi:: psi constexpr
QSpeed okapi:: mps constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QSpeed.hpp>
QSpeed okapi:: miph constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QSpeed.hpp>
QSpeed okapi:: kmph constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QSpeed.hpp>
QTime okapi:: millisecond constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QTime.hpp>
QTime okapi:: minute constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QTime.hpp>
QTime okapi:: hour constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QTime.hpp>
QTime okapi:: day constexpr
#include <include/okapi/api/units/QTime.hpp>
QTorque okapi:: newtonMeter constexpr
QTorque okapi:: footPound constexpr
QTorque okapi:: inchPound constexpr
QVolume okapi:: kilometer3 constexpr
QVolume okapi:: meter3 constexpr
QVolume okapi:: decimeter3 constexpr
QVolume okapi:: centimeter3 constexpr
QVolume okapi:: millimeter3 constexpr
QVolume okapi:: inch3 constexpr
QVolume okapi:: foot3 constexpr
QVolume okapi:: mile3 constexpr
QVolume okapi:: litre constexpr
std::shared_ptr<Logger> okapi:: defaultLogger
#include <include/okapi/api/util/logging.hpp>
static DefaultLoggerInitializer okapi:: defaultLoggerInitializer
#include <include/okapi/api/util/logging.hpp>
static double okapi:: inchToMM constexpr
Converts inches to millimeters.
static double okapi:: mmToInch constexpr
Converts millimeters to inches.
static double okapi:: degreeToRadian constexpr
Converts degrees to radians.
static double okapi:: radianToDegree constexpr
Converts radians to degrees.
static double okapi:: imeTorqueTPR constexpr
The ticks per rotation of the 393 IME with torque gearing.
static std::int32_t okapi:: imeSpeedTPR constexpr
The ticks per rotation of the 393 IME with speed gearing.
static double okapi:: imeTurboTPR constexpr
The ticks per rotation of the 393 IME with turbo gearing.
static double okapi:: ime269TPR constexpr
The ticks per rotation of the 269 IME.
static std::int32_t okapi:: imev5RedTPR constexpr
The ticks per rotation of the V5 motor with a red gearset.
static std::int32_t okapi:: imev5GreenTPR constexpr
The ticks per rotation of the V5 motor with a green gearset.
static std::int32_t okapi:: imev5BlueTPR constexpr
The ticks per rotation of the V5 motor with a blue gearset.
static std::int32_t okapi:: quadEncoderTPR constexpr
The ticks per rotation of the red quadrature encoders.
static double okapi:: pi constexpr
The value of pi.
static double okapi:: pi2 constexpr
The value of pi divided by 2.
static double okapi:: gravity constexpr
The conventional value of gravity of Earth.
static auto okapi:: OKAPI_PROS_ERR constexpr
Same as PROS_ERR.
static auto okapi:: OKAPI_PROS_ERR_F constexpr
Same as PROS_ERR_F.
static double okapi:: v5MotorMaxVoltage constexpr
The maximum voltage that can be sent to V5 motors.
static std::int8_t okapi:: motorUpdateRate constexpr
The polling frequency of V5 motors in milliseconds.
static std::int8_t okapi:: adiUpdateRate constexpr
The polling frequency of the ADI ports in milliseconds.