Asynchronous Autonomous Movement

Oftentimes the fastest way to move in autonomous involves actuating multiple subsystems at once (i.e. driving and raising/lowering a lift). This is made possible with Async Controllers.

To create a ChassisController for a given system, modify the below example to fit your subsystem.

std::shared_ptr<ChassisController> driveController = 
    .withMotors(1, -2)
    // Green gearset, 4 in wheel diam, 11.5 in wheel track
    .withDimensions(AbstractMotor::gearset::green, {{4_in, 11.5_in}, imev5GreenTPR})

And then we'll add a lift subsystem as an Async Controller:

const double liftkP = 0.001;
const double liftkI = 0.0001;
const double liftkD = 0.0001;

std::shared_ptr<AsyncPositionController<double, double>> liftController = 
    .withMotor(3) // lift motor port 3
    .withGains({liftkP, liftkI, liftkD})

Now that we have two subsystems to run, let's execute a few different movements. If we want both systems to move, and the next movement in the autonomous routine only depends on the drive completing its movement (and it doesn't care about the lift's status), we'll run waitUntilSettled() with just the drive controller.

// Begin movements
driveController->moveDistanceAsync(10_in); // Move 10 inches forward
liftController->setTarget(200); // Move 200 motor degrees upward

// Then the next movement will execute after the drive movement finishes

If blocking the next movement with regard only to the lift is desired, swap driveController for liftController in the last line. If both movements need to finish before executing the next movement, then call waitUntilSettled() on both controllers.

// Begin movements
driveController->moveDistanceAsync(10_in); // Move 10 inches forward
liftController->setTarget(200); // Move 200 motor degrees upward

// Then the next movement will execute after both movements finish