Programming the Clawbot


This tutorial will guide you through basic programming of the VEX Clawbot.

Intended Audience

This tutorial is intended for developers with some programming experience, but with little to no experience with OkapiLib. If you haven't programmed before, we recommend checking out all the "Introduction and Basic C++ Features" and "Classes and Objects" sections of this tutorial series.


At the end of this tutorial you will have:

  • Understood the basic organization of an OkapiLib project
  • Programmed a basic chassis with "tank" control or "arcade" control
  • Programmed buttons to control the clawbot's lift
  • Programmed a joystick axis to control the clawbot's claw
  • Understood the standard subsystem module methodology
  • Programmed an encoder-based autonomous routine

You can follow VEX's tutorial for building this robot here. For the purposes of this tutorial, we've plugged in our motors into the following ports:

1Left Wheels11
3Claw Motor13
5Vision Sensor15
8Arm Motor18
10Right Wheels20

Port 21: Radio

For the ADI:

ALeft BumperE
BRight BumperF
DHArm Limit

To create, build, and upload a new project in PROS 3, run

prosv5 conduct new <path_to_project>
prosv5 make
prosv5 upload
prosv5 terminal

The last 3 commands (make, upload, terminal) can be simplified to prosv5 mut.

Tank/Arcade Control

OkapiLib uses something called a ChassisController to interact with a robot's chassis. This interface lets you use open-loop control methods to drive the robot around with a joystick, like tank and arcade control. It also provides methods to move the robot programmatically, like driving in an arc or only powering one side of the chassis. It also provides closed-loop control methods to drive a specific distance or turn a specific angle.

There are two main subclasses we can use: ChassisControllerIntegrated and ChassisControllerPID. ChassisControllerIntegrated uses the V5 motor's built-in position and velocity control to move the robot around. This class is the easiest to use, so we will use it for this tutorial. The other class, ChassisControllerPID, uses three PID controllers running on the V5 brain and sends velocity or voltage commands to the motors. This class can give you more accurate chassis control, but requires tuning the PID controllers.

We will be using ChassisControllerIntegrated for this tutorial. Let's initialize it now with our two motors in ports 1 and 10. The motor in port 10 is negative because it is reversed. We should also specify the gearset in the drive motors and the chassis dimensions.

// Chassis Controller - lets us drive the robot around with open- or closed-loop control
std::shared_ptr<ChassisController> drive =
        .withMotors(1, -10)
        // Green gearset, 4 in wheel diam, 11.5 in wheel track
        .withDimensions(AbstractMotor::gearset::green, {{4_in, 11.5_in}, imev5GreenTPR})

Next, let's setup tank or arcade control. ChassisController provides methods for us to use, we just need to pass in joystick values which have been scaled to be in the range [-1, 1]. OkapiLib's Controller returns analog values in this range, so we don't need to do any scaling ourselves.

Tank drive

// Joystick to read analog values for tank or arcade control.
// Master controller by default.
Controller controller;

while (true) {
    // Tank drive with left and right sticks.

    // Wait and give up the time we don't need to other tasks.
    // Additionally, joystick values, motor telemetry, etc. all updates every 10 ms.

Arcade drive

// Joystick to read analog values for tank or arcade control.
// Master controller by default.
Controller controller;

while (true) {
    // Arcade drive with the left stick.

    // Wait and give up the time we don't need to other tasks.
    // Additionally, joystick values, motor telemetry, etc. all updates every 10 ms.

Arm Control

This section will focus on controlling the clawbot's arm. There are two parts to this: first, the arm has a limit switch at the bottom of its travel range, so we should use that button to tell when we've hit a hard stop; second, the arm should be user-controlled with two buttons on the controller.

First, let's focus on the limit switch at the bottom of the arm's travel range. When the arm hits this button, the arm motor should stop trying to make the arm move down. We can accomplish this using an if-statement that checks whether the button is pressed.

We can define our button as an ADIButton:

ADIButton armLimitSwitch('H');

And the arm motor:

Motor armMotor(-8);

Then we can check if it's pressed and stop powering the arm motor:

// Don't power the arm if it is all the way down
if (armLimitSwitch.isPressed()) {
} else {
    // Normal arm control

Next, let's add the logic to make the arm user-controller with two buttons on the controller. First, we need to define our two controller buttons as ControllerButton instances:

ControllerButton armUpButton(ControllerDigital::A);
ControllerButton armDownButton(ControllerDigital::B);

Then we can use them along with our limit switch logic from above to control the arm:

// Don't power the arm if it is all the way down
if (armLimitSwitch.isPressed()) {
} else {
    // Else, the arm isn't all the way down
    if (armUpButton.isPressed()) {
    } else if (armDownButton.isPressed()) {
    } else {

Autonomous Routine

To illustrate the closed-loop control methods that ChassisController has, let's make a simple autonomous routine to drive in a square.

Writing an autonomous routine is much easier when distances and turns can be done with physical units, but because we have already configured the gearset and chassis dimensions for our ChassisController, we don't need to do any extra work to use this feature. Let's make the robot move along the first quarter of the square pattern:

drive->moveDistance(12_in); // Drive forward 12 inches
drive->turnAngle(90_deg);   // Turn in place 90 degrees

Wrap Up

This is the final product from this tutorial.

Tank drive

#include "okapi/api.hpp"
using namespace okapi;

void opcontrol() {
    // Chassis Controller - lets us drive the robot around with open- or closed-loop control
    std::shared_ptr<ChassisController> drive =
            .withMotors(1, -10)
            // Green gearset, 4 in wheel diam, 11.5 in wheel track
            .withDimensions(AbstractMotor::gearset::green, {{4_in, 11.5_in}, imev5GreenTPR})

    // Joystick to read analog values for tank or arcade control
    // Master controller by default
    Controller controller;

    // Arm related objects
    ADIButton armLimitSwitch('H');
    ControllerButton armUpButton(ControllerDigital::A);
    ControllerButton armDownButton(ControllerDigital::B);
    Motor armMotor(-8);

    // Button to run our sample autonomous routine
    ControllerButton runAutoButton(ControllerDigital::X);

    while (true) {
        // Tank drive with left and right sticks

        // Don't power the arm if it is all the way down
        if (armLimitSwitch.isPressed()) {
        } else {
            // else, the arm isn't all the way down
            if (armUpButton.isPressed()) {
            } else if (armDownButton.isPressed()) {
            } else {

        // Run the test autonomous routine if we press the button
        if (runAutoButton.changedToPressed()) {
            // Drive the robot in a square pattern using closed-loop control
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                drive->moveDistance(12_in); // Drive forward 12 inches
                drive->turnAngle(90_deg);   // Turn in place 90 degrees

        // Wait and give up the time we don't need to other tasks.
        // Additionally, joystick values, motor telemetry, etc. all updates every 10 ms.

Arcade drive

#include "okapi/api.hpp"
using namespace okapi;

void opcontrol() {
    // Chassis Controller - lets us drive the robot around with open- or closed-loop control
    std::shared_ptr<ChassisController> drive =
            .withMotors(1, -10)
            // Green gearset, 4 in wheel diam, 11.5 in wheel track
            .withDimensions(AbstractMotor::gearset::green, {{4_in, 11.5_in}, imev5GreenTPR})

    // Joystick to read analog values for tank or arcade control
    // Master controller by default
    Controller controller;

    // Arm related objects
    ADIButton armLimitSwitch('H');
    ControllerButton armUpButton(ControllerDigital::A);
    ControllerButton armDownButton(ControllerDigital::B);
    Motor armMotor(-8);

    // Button to run our sample autonomous routine
    ControllerButton runAutoButton(ControllerDigital::X);

    while (true) {
        // Arcade drive with the left stick

        // Don't power the arm if it is all the way down
        if (armLimitSwitch.isPressed()) {
        } else {
            // else, the arm isn't all the way down
            if (armUpButton.isPressed()) {
            } else if (armDownButton.isPressed()) {
            } else {

        // Run the test autonomous routine if we press the button
        if (runAutoButton.changedToPressed()) {
            // Drive the robot in a square pattern using closed-loop control
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                drive->moveDistance(12_in); // Drive forward 12 inches
                drive->turnAngle(90_deg);   // Turn in place 90 degrees

        // Wait and give up the time we don't need to other tasks.
        // Additionally, joystick values, motor telemetry, etc. all updates every 10 ms.